
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Animation Analysis

Motion analysis video for ADN319 Intro to Animation. Understanding motion for animating a walkcycle using photos taken by Eadweard Muybridge. 

Rotoscope walkcycle test for ADN319 Intro to Animation. Rotoscoping in animation is a technique in which animators trace over film or video footage in order to simulate motion.
Please watch in 1080p HD setting.

Friday, February 7, 2014

"Wishful Thinking" Pixilation Project

ADN319 Intro to Animation - Pixilation Project
Pixilation - a technique in which live actors are "animated" using stop motion methodologies



Please watch in 1080p HD setting.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sophomore Studio - Project 4: Typography

Letter Abstraction, 10x10 - "B for Butt"
Prompt: Create new and interesting imagery using a letter in the Franklin Gothic Bold typeface. You must maintain the integrity of the letter, and the manipulations must be kept to a minimum.

Typeface Exercise, 11x17
Prompt: Set the words so that the type enhances their meaning.

Justified Quote Poster, 8.5x11
Prompt: Create a composition that combines the provided quote and imagery of your choice. Manually set the quote so that it is completely justified within a rectangular box; the audience shouldn't be able to notice any of your manipulations.

EG Letter Combination, 8x8
Prompt: Combine two letters into one singular form in which you can read both letters at the same time. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Working on Walking

First time animating a stationary walk cycle in Maya for ADN224 Digital Motion. Made with a pre-made character model.

Walk-off walk cycle.

"Sitting in the Park" animation for ADN224 Digital Motion.
Animated with Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere Pro. Pre-made character model/rig and background provided by professor.  Audio from

Please watch in 720p HD setting.