
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sophomore Studio - Project 4: Typography

Letter Abstraction, 10x10 - "B for Butt"
Prompt: Create new and interesting imagery using a letter in the Franklin Gothic Bold typeface. You must maintain the integrity of the letter, and the manipulations must be kept to a minimum.

Typeface Exercise, 11x17
Prompt: Set the words so that the type enhances their meaning.

Justified Quote Poster, 8.5x11
Prompt: Create a composition that combines the provided quote and imagery of your choice. Manually set the quote so that it is completely justified within a rectangular box; the audience shouldn't be able to notice any of your manipulations.

EG Letter Combination, 8x8
Prompt: Combine two letters into one singular form in which you can read both letters at the same time. 

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